27 juli 2021


Feyenoord Rotterdam heeft afstand genomen van de antisemitische, bedreigende, en haatdragende muurschildering en spandoeken die verschenen na de transfer van Feyenoord aanvoerder Steven Berghuis naar aartsrivaal Ajax.

De muurschildering, welke snel verwijderd werd door de Stad Rotterdam, zat vol met antisemitische uitingen. De schildering liet Berghuis zien in concentratiekampkleding, met Jodenster en grote neus en de tekst: “Joden lopen altijd weg”. Een woordvoerder van Feyenoord heeft laten weten dat de club een politieonderzoek heeft laten starten en dat de daders een stadionverbod zullen krijgen.

Geef Racisme de Rode Kaart Nederland veroordeeld iedere vorm van racisme. Wij hebben alle vertrouwen in Feyenoord Rotterdam om antisemitisme te bestrijden. Feyenoord werkt sinds 2015 samen met de Anne Frank Stichting aan verschillende projecten. Recentelijk werken Feyenoord en de Anne Frank Stichting samen in het project ‘Changing the Chants’, waarin ook het FARE Netwerk en Borussia Dortmund aan meewerken. Onder het project hebben de clubs recentelijk een documentaire uitgebracht, maar het project bestaat ook uit webinars, workshops en educatieve bezoeken aan de voormalig concentratiekampen Auschwitz-Birkenau.


‘Feyenoord is for everyone’ is a slogan that means a lot to Feyenoord. Everyone should feel welcome in the stadium. Feyenoord is the first club in the Netherlands to have an educational programme on anti-Semitism. Since 2015 Feyenoord works together with the Anne Frank House and anti-racism organisation Radar. The educational programme focuses mainly on supporters who have received a stadium ban. The club also organises guided tours through the city along places that have a link with the club and with the Second World War, or fans meet Jewish Feyenoord supporters who tell their story. In this way, the club tries to make its supporters aware of damaging anti-Semitic behaviour. 

Since 2020, Feyenoord Rotterdam has been a partner in the ‘Changing the Chants’ a two-year-project, an international collaboration between Feyenoord, Borussia Dortmund, the FARE network and the Anne Frank House and supported by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme. The goal is to deepen the understanding of approaches that football clubs can take to educate fans on antisemitic behavior in the football stands. 

They recently released a documentary and a good practice guide on combating anti-Semitism in football. The aim of the project is to gain more insight into measures that football clubs can take, or activities that can be organised to make fans aware of anti-Semitic behaviour in the football stands. Changing the Chants is based on two separate educational programmes for football fans, carried out by Borussia Dortmund and Feyenoord. These educational initiatives, although not similar, were exchanged and analysed, and new approaches have been tried out, paving the way for practices in which restorative justice is applied.  

This project promotes the opening of a space for shared learning, transnational and cross-contextual piloting of these approaches and the exchange will help to create practical and transferable guidelines and recommendations for football communities, and football clubs in particular, across Europe and beyond. Football communities wishing to combat anti-Semitism through non-formal education will thus be able to develop their own meaningful programmes and prevent and respond to anti-Semitic hate speech. A dedicated website will encourage cross-border exchange and cooperation.  

Apart of that, a conference of the “Changing the Chants” project on methods and measures to combat antisemitism in football will take place 31 August and 1 September 2021 in Oświęcim, Poland. Football organisations can find more information and register here.  

Watch the documentary here: https://youtu.be/ypokA8JbvAk

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